Welcome to Tuning In!

A community of slow, intentional mom creatives. Join us to explore slow living, minimalism and creativity at the intersection of motherhood with articles, videos and mini-courses.

Hi, I'm Megan!

I’m a mom, a Substack Creator/Podcaster and a Podcast Studio Co-Owner with my amazing husband, Collin. Our kids, Jack and Sophia, are 5.5 and 4. And we live in the sweetest town outside of Cleveland, Ohio- called Chagrin Falls.

  • If you’re a Gilmore Girls obsessed woman like me (I'm on the 16th time around watching it) we live in the real-life Stars Hollow. 😍 Complete with a rubber duck race down our river and waterfall and a popcorn ball-drop for our NYE celebration! (It’s a magical place✨)

What you can expect from “tuning in” 😉 to this Substack… I couldn’t help myself

Tuning In is a space for deep, real, meaningful conversations about living a creative life with intention. Cozied up on the living room couch with your two closest girlfriends and a cup of something delicious ☕️  legs wrapped up like a pretzel, blanket hugging you, then after a breath you say “ok- go!” (Because we finally have a minute for mom talk.)

It’s where we get intentional and curious and prompt each other to get to the root and heart of it all so we can live the free and fulfilled holistic lives we crave 💕✨

In community, we explore the intersection of:

  • Slow, intentional living

  • Creativity

  • And motherhood

It's all about: living life in alignment instead of the societal shoulds.

Typical articles you’ll find here include:

Tuning In to yourself and Tuning out the rest

After years of outsourcing my power, looking to this guru, coach, book or “expert” to tell me what my next step is and how I can live the life I’ve dreamt of, I realized… no one else has my answers. The blueprint is inside me.

I created Tuning In as a space I could come to work through these aha’s, break these patterns and share these prompts in community.

I’ve found that as I tune into myself, share my experiences with others, and listen to others share their experiences too- it helps us all unlock a deeper way to tune into ourselves.

Ultimately helping us all live our life in a way that feels good to us.

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I’d love to see you there!

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A community of mom creatives craving slow, intentional lives. Join us to explore slow living, minimalism and creativity at the intersection of motherhood with articles, videos and mini-courses.


🗣️ A Digital Journalist and Unschooling Mom of 2 👩‍👧‍👦 Exploring the intersection of slow, intentional living, minimalism, creativity + motherhood ✨