
Real Talk- My business didn’t grow this summer (but here’s what did happen)

Installment #4 in my: Growing my Business without Social Series

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I love doing this Growing My Business Without Social series as a way to document my experience and new relationship with these platforms.

And the reality of this summer is that my business hasn't grown (from a sales perspective.) There are amazing things that have happened, and I have grown in so many other ways. But from a pure numbers perspective- June and July have been down.

We’re always talking about the big wins… and forget to talk about the magic in “failures” and flow

I’ve been tracking my progress since February and it's been interesting to see what's happened in the past couple months. I think it’s so important to talk about what works AND WHAT DOESN’T and to name the good, bad and in between because reality isn’t always brought up in the online space.

So I wanted to hop in and give you a real, honest update on:

  1. What has happened statistically in my business

  2. And what has happened from a non-numbers perspective- from all the other good stuff that’s happened.

    1. Even if the business didn't grow, there's a lot of good things that did shift.

My stats from June + July

All in all, I would say the biggest analytical insight, is that platforms just seem to be down.

Since the end of May, I noticed everything that had been working for me, wasn’t getting the same results. Views, ads, call conversions- everything just seemed to be down.

And honestly, I looked at that as a good thing. That means people are actually living their lives, enjoying the summer and not on their phones as much.

And so while some might look at that thinking: “Yeah, but okay, business. How do we make sure that that works?”

I found it gave me opportunities to look at my business in a new way and to be able to play without as much pressure. If everything is down right now, I can let sales growth go and allow my mind to lean into growth in new ways.

In the fashion industry (my previous business + career) it was always said the J months were your down months (so January, June, and July.)

That really came to mind here, especially since the podcast studio is under a year old and we’re still collecting the data. Since then we've launched our Substack too, which is another new part of our business.

Where before I may have gotten kind of freaked out, that we didn't have sales growth. Now I’m relaxing into: growth all the time isn't reality.

Just think of nature. Things aren't always growing.

  • There's time for rest.

  • There's time for plateauing,

    • You can't always be in production.

That was a major mindset shift for me.

In terms of what I did for marketing- I'm going to hit these numbers really high level, you can see all the screenshots and dive into those analytics and details below, but overall:


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