
Intentional living for mom creatives🌿

A LIVE 🎥 with Carolyn at Wand(Her)wild

Welcome to Tuning In! I’m Megan- a mom creative who’s trading in the ‘shoulds’ for a life that feels good to ME. Creating my life my way and inviting you to do the same. Join our community to explore slow, intentional living and creativity at the intersection of motherhood with articles, videos and mini-courses.

This path to slow, intentional living has been a process for me. A detox and realignment of sorts.

But it’s a journey I continue on not only because of how it feels in my body, but also because of the amazing community and conscious women I’ve met along the way. Like Carolyn

and .

That’s why Carolyn and I hopped on Substack Live today (not only to test it out- it was SO easy!) but to chat all things intentional living as mom creatives and Wand(HER)wild’s summit all about this topic.

(P.S. I spoke in it + it launches today!)

Join the Free Audio Event Here✨


I'm so honored that you and Monica put together this beautiful intentional living audio summit.

I love that there's a community of us mom creatives who want to be more intentional and slow things down. I think that's a narrative that’s gotten lost in translation.

I actually had a conversation with

and this morning about marketing and business and that was a big through line that came up. That this lifestyle of living and being human beings instead of human doings, has gotten lost in translation over the years in our modern society.

So I'm really curious, what does intentional, slow living look like in your day-to-day?

Carolyn at Wand(HER)wild:

Let me be honest and say, this has been a process for me.

It's something I'm actively trying to embody in my life. And I'm far from perfect at it.

I'm just trying to make small, intentional decisions each day.

I mess up, make mistakes and get caught up in the hectic, rushed atmosphere us modern mothers get drawn into.

Our society is so fast paced right now and social media and things are always coming at us. It's so much. And I get caught up in that too.

I come from a background as a pediatric registered nurse for over 10 years.

I've always had this mind-body and holistic health mindset. But after having my own kids, 6 and 3 years old, specifically after having my firstborn, I struggled quite a bit with postpartum anxiety. I just did not feel good in my motherhood.


It's a complete shift in our identity, but it was this really difficult transition for me. I thought I’d have this leg up because of my pediatric background….

but instead, it completely shook me and woke me up.

  • It started me on this deep, soul searching journey.

  • Looking deep within myself.

  • And realizing how I was causing a lot of my own mental strife.

  • That I was acting out of these habits that weren't serving me.

And part of that was rushing around, always being in this doing, going, busy mode.

So I dove into a lot of mindset, energetics, human design type work.

And that really led me on this path of increased awareness.

woman sitting on cliff overlooking mountains during daytime

So for me, intentional living is really being more aware. Waking up from this autopilot mode and making very thoughtful choices in my day and in my motherhood that are in alignment with with the things that I truly value.

  • No longer acting out of habit because “that's what my parents taught me” or “that's what society is telling me to do” or that's what I was told I “should” do.

My heart kind of pulled me down this path and that's how I landed where I am now.


I think anybody who’s on this journey, can agree- it is a process, right?

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You mentioned how it's taken time and we're never going to be perfect at it- I agree

I’ve noticed on my own journey, that these intentional, step-by-step choices, first came out of my awareness and then was built up by choosing the next aligned action.

  1. Having that “Wait, why am I doing this that way?” moment.

  2. And then, realizing, “Oh, I've been on this conveyor belt. But there’s another, gentler way.”

Not gonna lie- this journey has felt like a detox for me.

And I love to talk about it because it can feel so hard when you're on one end of the spectrum to even comprehend this slower paced life.

  • Stepping away from social, which we're especially told in business, is a “have to have,” was really that first switch on my part.

And the more I stepped away, the more I could tune into myself.

Then it was like “Oh I feel way better not doing that. What else do I feel way better not doing or way better doing?”

Carolyn at Wand(HER)wild:

woman in white vest and black bikini with hand on chest

Yes! The more I've been able to tune into my body the more energized and happy I feel throughout my day.

  • And the way I'm showing up with my family and talking to myself.

    • It feels like a stark contrast to my past really.

I'm better now at catching myself in those moments of rushing and urgency and being able to pause and check in.

  • Like, what am I telling myself here?

  • How does my body feel?

    • Because often in those moments I'm telling myself, I don't have enough time.

And that’s not always the truth.

“We’re never in a rush.”


When Jack was about 2 the words “We’re never in a rush” tumbled out of my mouth and has been one of our family’s mantras ever since.

And since then, we’ve also adopted: “It that true?”

  • i.e. In a moment when we say we can’t do something or I think I don’t have the time or means to make something happen I stop and say to myself (or the kids) “Is that true?”

I'm very much of the, it's not what's taught, it's what's caught mindset when it comes to our kids.

And so, like you said, showing up, embodying it, and watching them integrate it now is magical too…. even though it sometimes bites me when the phrase is recited back to me as I’m trying to get everyone out the door 🤣

And I think that's the beautiful thing about intentionality and modeling and motherhood.

They’re our little mirrors, right? So I'm grateful for these little phrases and this lifestyle that helps further it step-by-step, not only for myself, but for them and by them too.

Want to dive into Intentional Living more?

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With 30+ real, authentic and captivating mothers who have come together for honest and impactful conversations that aim to inspire and provide meaningful support.

Live a life of intentionality and evolution in parallel to motherhood!

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Carolyn Williamson is a co-creator and community guide at Wand(HER)wild, a virtual community for intentional and intuitive motherhood and a guest guide at Wanderwild Family Retreats. Formerly a Registered Nurse, she followed her passion for mind-body wellbeing to support mothers with holistic practices such as yoga, mindset work, women’s circles and Human Design readings. She also co-hosts The Wand(HER)wild Podcast. Carolyn currently lives east of Toronto, Canada with her family, including her two children aged 6 and 3.

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